Math Tutorials

Uniform and Angle-weighted per-vertex normals in gpytoolbox


Early in the very first day of SGI, during professor Oded Stein’s great teaching sprint of the SGI introduction in Geometry Processing, we came across normal vectors. As per his slides: “The normal vector is the unit-length perpendicular vector to a triangle and positively oriented”.

Image 1: The formulas and visualisations of normal vectors in professor Oded Stein’s slides.

Immediately afterwards, we discussed that smooth surfaces have normals at every point, but as we deal with meshes, it is often useful to define per-vertex normals, apart from the well defined per-face normals. So, to approximate normals at vertices, we can average the per-face normals of the adjacent faces. This is the trivial approach. Then, the question that arises is: Going a step further, what could we do? We can introduce weights:

Image 2: Introducing weights to per-vertex normal vector calculation instead of just averaging the per-face normals. (image credits: professor Oded Stein’s slides)

How could we calculate them? The three most common approaches are:

1) The trivial approach: uniform weighting wf = 1 (averaging)

2)    area weighting wf = Af

3)    angle weighting wf = θf

Image 3: The three most common approaches to calculating weights to perform weighted average of the per-face normals for the calculation of per-vertex normals. (image credits: professor Oded Stein’s slides)

During the talk, we briefly discussed the practical side of choosing among the various types of weights and that area weighting is good enough for most applications and, thus, this is the one implemented in gpytoolbox, a Geometry Processing python package that professor Oded Stein has significantly contributed to its development. Then, he gave us an open challenge: whoever was up for the challenge could implement the angle-weighted per-vertex normal calculation and contribute it to gpytoolbox! I was intrigued and below I give an overview of my implementation of the per_vertex_normals(V, F, weights=’area’, correct_invalid_normals=True) function.

Implementation Overview

First, I implemented an auxiliary function called compute_angles(V,F). This function calculates the angles of each face using the dot product between vectors formed by the vertices of each triangle. The angles are then calculated using the arccosine of the dot product cosine result. The steps are:

  • For each triangle, the vertices A, B, and C are extracted.
  • Vectors representing the edges of each triangle are calculated:







  • The cosine of each angle is computed using the dot product:

cos(α) = (AB AC)/(|AB| |AC|)

cos(β) = (BC BA)/(|BC| |BA|)

cos(γ) = (CA CB)/(|CA| |CB|)

  • At this point, the numerical issues that can come up in geometry processing applications that we discussed on day 5 with Dr. Nicholas Sharp came to mind. What if the values of arccos(angle) exceed the values 1 or -1? To avoid potential numerical problems I clipped the results to be between -1 and 1:




Having compute_angles, now we can explore the per_vertex_normals function. It is modified to get an argument to select weights among the options: “uniform”, “angle”, “area” and applies the selected weight averaging of the per-face normals, to calculate the per-vertex normals:

def per_vertex_normals(V, F, weights=’area’, correct_invalid_normals=True):

  1. Make sure that the V and F data structures are of types float64 and int32 respectively, to make our function compatible with any given input
  2. Calculate the per face normals using gpytoolbox
  3. If the selected weight is “area”, then use the already implemented function.
  4. If the selected weight is “angle”:
    • Compute angles using the compute_angles auxiliary function
    • Weigh the face normals by the angles at each vertex (weighted normals)
  5. Calculate the norms of the weighted normals

(A small parenthesis: The initial implementation of the function implemented the 2 following steps:

  • Include another check for potential numerical issues, replacing very small values of norms that may have been rounded to 0, with a very small number, using NumPy (np.finfo(float).eps)
  • Normalize the vertex normals: N = weighted_normals / norms

Can you guess the problem of this approach?*)

6. Identify indices with problematic norms (NaN, inf, negative, zero)

7. Identify the rest of the indices (of valid norms)

8. Normalize valid normals

9. If correct_invalid_normals == True

  • Build KDTree using only valid vertices
  • For every problematic index:
    • Find the nearest valid normal in the KDTree
    • Assign the nearest valid normal to the current problematic normal
    • Else assign a default normal ([1, 0, 0]) (in the extreme case no valid norms are calculated)

  • Normalise the replaced problematic normals

10. Else ignore the problematic normals and just output the valid normalised weighted normals

*Spoiler alert: The problem of the approach was that -in extreme cases- it can happen that the result of the normalization procedure does not have unit norm.  The final steps that follow ensure that the per-vertex normals that this function outputs always have norm 1.


A crucial stage of developing any type of software is testing it. In this section, I provide the visualised results of the angle-weighted per-vertex normal calculations for base and edge cases, as well as everyone’s favourite shape: spot the cow:

Image 4: Let’s start with spot the cow, who we all love. On the left, we have the per-face normals calculated via gpytoolbox and on the right, we have the angle-weighted per-vertex normals, calculated as analysed in the previous section.

Image 5: The base case of a simple triangle.

Image 6: The base case of an inverted triangle (vertices ordered in a clockwise direction)

Image 7: The base case of a simple pyramid with a base.

Image 8: The base case of disconnected triangles.

Image 9: The edge case of having a very thin triangle.

Finally, for the cases of a degenerate triangle and repeated vertex coordinates nothing is visualised. The edge cases of having very large or small coordinates have also been tested successfully (coordinates of magnitude 1e8 and 1e-12, respectively).

Having a verified visual inspection is -of course- not enough. The calculations need to be compared to ground truth data in the context of unit tests. To this end, I calculated the ground truth data via the sibling of gpytoolbox: gptoolbox, which is the respective Geometry Processing package but in MATLAB! The shape used to assert the correctness of our per_vertex_normals function, was the famous armadillo. Tests passed for both angle and uniform weights, hurray!

Final Notes

Developing the weighted per-vertex normal function and contributing slightly to such a powerful python library as gpytoolbox, was a cool and humbling experience. Hope the pull request results into a merge! I want to thank professor Oded Stein for the encouragement to take up on the task, as well as reviewing it along with the soon-to-be professor Silvia Sellán!

Math Tutorials

Wormhole II

Images: (1) The Wormhole Distance Field (DF) shape. (2) The Wormhole built using DF functions, visualized using a DF/scalar field defined over a discretized space, i.e. a grid. (3) Deploying the marching cubes algorithm ( to attempt to reconstruct the surface from the DF shape. (4) Resulting surface using my reconstruction algorithm based on the principles of k-nearest neighbors (kNN), for k=10.  (5) Same, but from a different perspective highlighting unreconstructed areas, due to the DF shape having empty areas in the curved plane (see image 2 closely). If those areas didn’t exist in the DF shape, the reconstruction would have likely been exact with smaller k, and thus the representation would have been cleaner and more suitable for ML and GP tasks. (6) The reconstruction for k=5. (7) The reconstruction for k=5, different perspective.

Note: We could use a directional approach to knn for a cleaner reconstructed mesh, leveraging positional information. Alternatively, we could develop a connection correcting algorithm. Irrespectively to if we attempt the aforementioned optimizations or not, we can make the current implementation more optimized, as a lot less distances would need to be calculated after we organize the points of the DF shape based on their positions in the 3D space.


Well, SGI day 3 came… And it changed everything. In my mind at least. Silvia Sellán and Towaki Takikawa taught us -in the coolest and most intuitive ways- that there is so much more to shape representations. With Silvia, we discussed how one would expect to jump from one representation to another or even try to reconstruct the original shapes from representations that do not explicitely save connectivity information. With Towaki, we discussed Signed Distance Field (SDF) shapes among other stuff (shout out for building a library called haipera, that will definetely be useful to me) and the crazy community building crazy shapes using them. All the newfound knowledge got me thinking. Again.

Towaki was asked if there are easier/automated ways to calculate the necessary SDF functions because it would be insane to build -for e.g.- SDF cars by hand. His response? These people are actually insane! And I wanted to get a glimpse of that insanity, to figure out how to build the wormhole using Distance Field (DF) functions. Of course, my target final shape is a lot easier and it turned out that the implementation was far easier than calculating vertices and faces manually (see Wormhole I)! Then, Silvia’s words came to mind: each representation is suitable for different tasks, i.e., a task that is trivial for DF representations might be next to impossible for other representasions. So, creating a DF car is insane, but using functions to calculate the coordinates of a mesh grid car would be even more insane! Fun fact from Silvia’s slides: “The first real object ever 3D scanned and rendered was a WV Beetle by the legendary graphics researcher Ivan Sutherland’s lab (and the car belonged to his wife!)” and it was done manually:

Image (8): Calculating the coordinates of vertices and the faces to design the mesh of a Beetle manually! Geometric Processing gurus’ old school hobbies.


Back to the DF Wormhole. The high-level algorithm for the DF Wormhole is attached below (for the implementation, visit this GitHub repo:

Having my DF Wormhole, the problem of surface reconstruction arose. Thankfully, Silvia had already made sure we got, not only an intuitive understanding of multiple shape representations in 2D and 3D, but also how to jump from one to another and how to reconstruct surfaces from discretized representations. It intrigued me what would happen if I used the marching cubes algorithm on my DF shape. The result was somewhat disappointing (see image 3).

Yet, I couldn’t just let it go. I had to figure out something better. I followed the first idea that came to mind: k-Neirest Neighbors (kNN). My hypothesis was that although the DF shape is in 3D, it doesn’t have any volumetric data. The hypothetical final shape is comprised by surfaces so kNN makes sense; the goal is to find the nearest neighbors and create a mechanism to connect them. It worked (see images 4, 5, 6, 7)! A problem became immediately apparent: the surface was not smooth in certain areas, but rather blocky. Thus, I developed an iterative smoothing mechanism that repositions the nodes based on the average of the coordinates of their neighbors. At 5 iterations the result was satisfying (see image 8). Below I attach the algorithm, (for the implementation, visit this GitHub repo: Case closed.


Q: Why did I call my functions Distance Field functions (DFs) and not Signed Distance Field functions (SDFs)?

A: Because the SDF representation requires some points to have a negative value in relation to a shape’s surface (i.e., we have a negative sign for points inside the shape). In the case of the hollow shapes, such as the hollow cube and cylinder, we replace the negative signs of the inner parts of the outer shapes with positive signs, via the statement max(outer_shape, -inner_shape). Thus, our surfaces/hollow shapes only have 0 values on the surface and positive elsewhere. These type of distance fields are called unsigned (UDFs).

Q: What about the semi-cylinder?

A: The final shape of the semi-cylinder was defined to have negative values inside the radius of the semi-cylinder, 0 on the surface and positive elsewhere. But in order to remove the caps, rather than subtracting an inner cylinder, I gave them a positive value (e.g. infinity). This contradicts the definition of SDFs and UDFs, which measure distance in a continuous way. So, the semi-cylinder would be referred to as a discontinuous distance function (or continuous with specific discontinuities by design).

Future considerations

Using the smoothing mechanism and not using it has a trade off. The smooting mechanism seems to remove more faces -that we do want to have in our mesh-, than if we do not use it (see images 9, 10). The quality of the final surface certaintly depends on the initial DF shape (which indeed had empty spaces, see image 2 closely) and the hyperparameter k of kNN. Someone would need to find the right balance between the aforementioned parameters and the smoothing mechanism or even reconsider how to create the initial Wormhole DF shape or/and how to reposition the vertices, in order to smooth the surfaces more effectively. Finally, all the procedures of the algorithm can be optimized to make the code faster and more efficient. Even the kNN algorithm can be optimized: not every pair must be calculated to compare distances, because we have positional information and thus we can avoid most of the kNN calculations.

Images: (9) Mesh grid using only the mechanism that connects the k-nearest neighbors for k=5, (10) Mesh grid after the additional use of the smoothing mechanism.

Wormhole: The end

Research Tutorials

An Introduction to RXMesh

This post serves as a tutorial for using RXMesh.

RXMesh is a framework for processing triangle mesh on the GPU. It allows developers to easily use the GPU’s massive parallelism to perform common geometry processing tasks.

This tutorial will cover the following topics:

  1. Setting up RXMesh
  2. RXMesh basic workflow
  3. Writing kernels for queries
  4. Example: Visualizing face normals

Setting up RXMesh

For the sake of this tutorial, you can set up a fork of RXMesh and then create your own small section to implement your own tutorial examples in the fork.

Go to and fork the repository. You can create your own directory with a simple CUDA script to start using RXMesh. To do so, go to in your fork and add a line:


In the apps directory on your local fork, create a folder called “introduction”. There should be two files in this folder.

  1. A .cu file to run the code. You can call this To start, it can have the following contents:
#include "rxmesh/query.cuh"
#include "rxmesh/rxmesh_static.h"

#include "rxmesh/matrix/sparse_matrix.cuh"

using namespace rxmesh;

int main(int argc, char** argv)

    const uint32_t device_id = 0;

    RXMeshStatic rx(STRINGIFY(INPUT_DIR) "sphere3.obj");


2. A CMake file called CMakeLists.txt. It must have the following contents:




set_target_properties(introduction PROPERTIES FOLDER "apps")




#gtest_discover_tests( introduction )

Once you have done the above steps, building the project with CMake is simple. Refer to the README in to know the requirements and steps to build the project for your device.

Once the project has been set up, we can begin to test and run our file. If you were to run it, you should get an output of a 3D sphere.

This means the project set up has been successful, we can now begin learning RXMesh.

RXMesh basic workflow

RXMesh provides custom data structures and functions to handle various low-level computational tasks that would otherwise require low-level implementation. Let’s explore the fundamentals of how this workflow operates.

To start, look at this piece of code.

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    const uint32_t device_id = 0;

    rxmesh::RXMeshStatic rx(STRINGIFY(INPUT_DIR) "dragon.obj");
    auto polyscope_mesh = rx.get_polyscope_mesh();

    auto vertex_pos   = *rx.get_input_vertex_coordinates();
    auto vertex_color = *rx.add_vertex_attribute<float>("vColor", 3);

    [vertex_color, vertex_pos] __device__(const rxmesh::VertexHandle vh)
            vertex_color(vh, 0) = 0.9;
            vertex_color(vh, 1) = vertex_pos(vh, 1);
            vertex_color(vh, 2) = 0.9;

    vertex_color.move(rxmesh::DEVICE, rxmesh::HOST);

    polyscope_mesh->addVertexColorQuantity("vColor", vertex_color);

    return 0;

The above is a slightly simplified version of what a for_each computation program would look like using RXMesh. for_each involves accessing every mesh element of a specific type (vertex, edge, or face) and performing some process on/with it.

In the code example above, the computation adjusts the green component of the vertex’s color based on the vertex’s Y coordinate in 3D space.

But how do we comprehend this code? We will look at it line by line:

    rxmesh::RXMeshStatic rx(STRINGIFY(INPUT_DIR) "dragon.obj");

The above line declares the RXMeshStatic object. Static here stands for a static mesh (one whose connectivity remains constant for the duration of the program’s runtime). Using the RXMesh’s Input directory, we can use some meshes that come with it. In this case, we pass in the dragon.obj file, which holds the mesh data for a dragon.

    auto polyscope_mesh = rx.get_polyscope_mesh();

This line returns the data needed for Polyscope to display the mesh along with any attribute content we add to it for visualization.

    auto vertex_pos = *rx.get_input_vertex_coordinates();

This line is a special function that directly gives us the coordinates of the input mesh.

auto vertex_color = *rx.add_vertex_attribute<float>("vColor", 3);

This line gives vertex attributes called “vColor”. Attributes are simply data that lives on top of vertices, edges, or faces. To learn more about how to handle attributes in RXMesh, check out this. In this case, we associate three float-point numbers to each vertex in the mesh.

    [vertex_color, vertex_pos] __device__(const rxmesh::VertexHandle vh)
            vertex_color(vh, 0) = 0.9;
            vertex_color(vh, 1) = vertex_pos(vh, 1);
            vertex_color(vh, 2) = 0.9;

The above lines represent a lambda function that is utilized by the for_each computation. In this case, for_each_vertex accesses each of the vertices of the mesh associated with our dragon. We pass in the arguments:

  1. rxmesh::DEVICE – to let RXMesh know this is happening on the device i.e., the GPU.
  2. [vertex_color, vertex_pos] – represents the data we are passing to the function.
  3. (const rxmesh::VertexHandle vh) – is the handle that is used in any RXMesh computation. A handle allows us to access data associated to individual geometric elements. In this case, we have a handle that allows us to access each vertex in the mesh.

What do these lines mean?

            vertex_color(vh, 0) = 0.9;
            vertex_color(vh, 1) = vertex_pos(vh, 1);
            vertex_color(vh, 2) = 0.9;

These 3 lines bring together a lot of the declarations made earlier. Through the kernel, we are accessing the attribute data we defined before. Since we need to know which vertex we are accessing its color, we pass in vh as the first argument. Since a vertex has three components (standing for RGB), we also need to pass which index in the attribute’s vector (you can think of it as a 1D array too) we are accessing. Hence vertex_color(vh, 0) = 0.9; which stands for “in the vertex color associated with the handle vh (which for the kernel represents a specific vertex on the mesh), the value of the first component is 0.9”. Note that this “first component” represents red for us.

What about vertex_color(vh, 1) = vertex_pos(vh, 1)? This line, similar to the previous one, is accessing the second component associated with the color, in the vertex the handle is associated with.

But what is on the right-hand side? We are accessing vertex_pos (our coordinates of each vertex in the mesh) and we are accessing it the same way we access our color. In this case, the line is telling us that we are accessing the 2nd positional coordinate (y coordinate) associated with our vertex (that our handle gives to the kernel).

    vertex_color.move(rxmesh::DEVICE, rxmesh::HOST);

This line moves the attribute data from the GPU to the CPU.

polyscope_mesh->addVertexColorQuantity("vColor", vertex_color);

This line uses Polyscope to add a “quantity” to Polyscope’s visualization of the mesh. In this case, when we add the VertexColorQuantity and pass vertex_color, Polyscope will now visualize the per-vertex color information we calculated in the lambda function.


We finally render the entire mesh with our added quantities using the show() function from Polyscope.

Throughout this basic workflow, you may have noticed it works similarly to any other program where we receive some input data, perform some processing, and then render/output it in some form.

More specifically, we use RXMesh to read that data, set up our attributes, and then pass that into a kernel to perform some processing. Once we move that data from the device to the host, we can either perform further processing or render it using Polyscope.

It is important to look at the kernel as computing per geometric element. This means we only need to think of computation on a single mesh element of a certain type (i.e., vertex, edge, or face) since RXMesh then takes this computation and runs it in parallel on all mesh elements of that type.

Writing kernels for queries

While our basic workflow covers how to perform for_each operation using the GPU, we may often require geometric connectivity information for different geometry processing tasks. To do that, RXMesh implements various query operations. To understand the different types of queries, check out this part of the README.

We can say there are two parts to run a query.

The first part consists of creating the launchbox for the query, which defines the threads and (shared) memory allocated for the process along with calling the function from the host to run on the device.

The second part consists of actually defining what the kernel looks like.

We will look at these one by one.

Here’s an example of how a launchbox is created and used for a process where we want to find all the vertex normals:

// Vertex Normal
auto vertex_normals = rx.add_vertex_attribute("vNormals", 3);
constexpr uint32_t CUDABlockSize = 256;

rxmesh::LaunchBox<CUDABlockSize> launch_box;


compute_vertex_normal<float, CUDABlockSize>
(rx.get_context(), vertex_pos, *vertex_normals);

vertex_normals->move(rxmesh::DEVICE, rxmesh::HOST);

Notice how, in replacing the for_each part of our basic workflow, we instead declare the launchbox and call our function compute_vertex_normal (which we will look at next) from our main function.

We must also define the kernel which will run on the device.

template <typename T, uint32_t blockThreads>
__global__ static void compute_vertex_normal(const rxmesh::Context      context,
rxmesh::VertexAttribute<T> coords,
rxmesh::VertexAttribute<T> normals)

    auto vn_lambda = [&](FaceHandle face_id, VertexIterator& fv){
        // get the face's three vertices coordinates
        glm::fvec3 c0(coords(fv[0], 0), coords(fv[0], 1), coords(fv[0], 2));
        glm::fvec3 c1(coords(fv[1], 0), coords(fv[1], 1), coords(fv[1], 2));
        glm::fvec3 c2(coords(fv[2], 0), coords(fv[2], 1), coords(fv[2], 2));

        // compute the face normal
        glm::fvec3 n = cross(c1 - c0, c2 - c0);

        // the three edges length
        glm::fvec3 l(glm::distance2(c0, c1),
                     glm::distance2(c1, c2),
                     glm::distance2(c2, c0));

        // add the face's normal to its vertices
        for (uint32_t v = 0; v < 3; ++v) {      
// for every vertex in this face
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {  
// for the vertex 3 coordinates
                atomicAdd(&normals(fv[v], i), n[i] / (l[v] + l[(v + 2) % 3]));

    auto block = cooperative_groups::this_thread_block();

    Query<blockThreads> query(context);
    ShmemAllocator      shrd_alloc;
    query.dispatch<Op::FV>(block, shrd_alloc, vn_lambda);

A few things to note about our kernel

  1. We pass in a few arguments to our kernel.
    • We pass the context which allows RXMesh to access the data structures on the device.
    • We pass in the coordinates of each vertex as a VertexAttribute
    • We pass in the normals of each vertex as an attribute. Here, we accumulate the face’s normal on its three vertices.
  2. The function that performs the processing is a lambda function. It takes in the handles and iterators as arguments. The type of the argument will depend on what type of query is used. In this case, since it is an FV query, we have access to the current face(face_id) the thread is acting on as well as the vertices of that face using fv.
  3. Notice how within our lambda function, we do the same as before with our for_each operation, i.e., accessing the data we need using the attribute handle and processing it for some output for our attribute.
  4. Outside our lambda function, notice how we need to set some things up with regards to memory and the type of query. After that, we call the lambda function to make it run using query.dispatch

Visualizing face normals

Now that we’ve learnt all the pieces required to do some interesting calculations using RXMesh, let’s try a new one out.

Try to visualize the face normals of a given mesh. This would mean obtaining an output like this for the dragon mesh given in the repository:

Here’s how to calculate the face normals of a mesh:

  1. Take a vertex. Calculate two vectors that are formed by subtracting the selected vertex from the other two vertices.
  2. Take the cross product of the two vectors.
  3. The vector obtained from the cross product is the normal of the face.

Now try to perform the calculation above. We can do this for each face using the vertices it is connected to.

All the information above should give you the ability to implement this yourself. If required, the solution is given below.

The kernel that runs on the device:

template <typename T, uint32_t blockThreads>
global static void compute_face_normal(
const rxmesh::Context context,
rxmesh::VertexAttribute coords, // input
rxmesh::FaceAttribute normals) // output
auto vn_lambda = [&](FaceHandle face_id, VertexIterator& fv) {
    // get the face's three vertices coordinates

    glm::fvec3 c0(coords(fv[0], 0), coords(fv[0], 1), coords(fv[0], 2));
    glm::fvec3 c1(coords(fv[1], 0), coords(fv[1], 1), coords(fv[1], 2));
    glm::fvec3 c2(coords(fv[2], 0), coords(fv[2], 1), coords(fv[2], 2));

    // compute the face normal
    glm::fvec3 n = cross(c1 - c0, c2 - c0);
    normals(face_id, 0) = n[0];
    normals(face_id, 1) = n[1];
    normals(face_id, 2) = n[2];

auto block = cooperative_groups::this_thread_block();
Query<blockThreads> query(context);
ShmemAllocator shrd_alloc;
query.dispatch<Op::FV>(block, shrd_alloc, vn_lambda);


The function call from main on HOST:

int main(int argc, char** argv)

    const uint32_t device_id = 0;

    rxmesh::RXMeshStatic rx(STRINGIFY(INPUT_DIR) "sphere3.obj");

    auto vertex_pos = *rx.get_input_vertex_coordinates();
    auto face_normals = rx.add_face_attribute<float>("fNorm", 3);

    constexpr uint32_t CUDABlockSize = 256;
    LaunchBox<CUDABlockSize> launch_box;
    compute_face_normal<float, CUDABlockSize>
    (rx.get_context(), vertex_pos, *face_normals);
    face_normals->move(DEVICE, HOST);

    rx.get_polyscope_mesh()->addFaceVectorQuantity("fNorm", *face_normals);


As an extra example, try the following:

  1. Color a vertex depending on how many vertices it is connected to.
  2. Test the above on different meshes and see the results. You can access different kinds of mesh files from the “Input” folder in the RXMesh repo and add your own meshes if you’d like.

By the end of this, you should be able to do the following:

  • Know how to create new subdirectories in the RXMesh Fork
  • Know how to create your own for_each computations on the mesh
  • Know how to create your own queries
  • Be able to perform some basic geometric analyses’ using RXMesh queries


More information can be found in RXMesh GitHub Repository.

This blog was written by Sachin Kishan during the SGI 2024 Fellowship as one of the outcomes of a two week project under the mentorship of Ahmed Mahmoud and support of Supriya Gadi Patil as teaching assistant.

Math Tutorials

Wormhole I

Images: (1) Top left: Wormhole built using Python and Polyscope with its triangle mesh, (2) Top right: Wormhole with no mesh, (3) Bottom left: A concept of a wormhole (credits to: BBC Science Focus,, (4) A cool accident: an uncomfortable restaurant booth.

During the intense educational week that is SGI’s tutorial week, we stumbled early on, on a challenge: creating our own mesh. A seemingly small exercise to teach us to build a simple mesh, turned for me into much more. I always liked open projects that speak to the creativity of students. Creating our own mesh could be turned into anything and our only limit is our imagination. Although the time was restrictive, I couldn’t but face the challenge. But what would I choose? Fun fact about me: in my studies I started as a physicist before I switched to be an electrical and computer engineer. But my fascination for physics has never faded, so when I thought of a wormhole I knew I had to build it.

From Wikipedia: A wormhole is a hypothetical structure connecting disparate points in spacetime and is based on a special solution of the Einstein field equations. A wormhole can be visualised as a tunnel with two ends at separate points in spacetime.

Well, I thought that it would be easier than it really was. It was daunting at first -and during the development I must confess-, but when I started to break the project into steps (first principles thinking), it felt more manageable. Let’s examine the steps on a high level/top-down:

1) build a semi-circle

2) extend its both ends with lines of the same length and parallel to each other

3) make the resulting shape 3D

4) make a hole in the middle of the planes

5) connect the holes via a cylinder

And now let’s explore the bottom-up approach:

1) calculate vertices

2) calculate faces

3) form quad faces to build the surfaces

4) holes are the absence of quad faces in predefined regions

I followed this simple blueprint and the wormhole started to take shape step by step. Instead of giving the details in a never-ending text, I opt to present a high-level algorithm and the GitHub repo of the implementation.

My inspiration for this project? Two-fold; stemming from the very first day of SGI. On one hand, professor Oded Stein encouraged us to be artistic, to create art via Geometry Processing. On the other, Dr. Qingnan Zhou from Adobe shared with us 3 practical tips for us geometry processing newbies:

1) Avoid using background colours, prefer white

2) Use shading

3) Try to become an expert in one of the many tools of Geometry Processing

Well, the third stuck with me, but -of course- I am not close to becoming a master of Python for Geometric Processing and Polyscope, yet. Though, I feel like I made significant strides with this project!

I hope that this work will inspire other students to seek open challenges and creative solutions or even build upon the wormhole, refine it or maybe add a spaceship passing through. Maybe a new SGI tradition? It’s up to you!

P.S. 1: The alignment of the shapes is a little bit overengineered :).

P.S. 2: Unfortunately, it was later in the tutorial week that I was introduced to the 3DXM virtual math museum. Instead of a cylinder, the wormhole should have been a Hyperbolic K=-1 Surface of Revolution, making the shape cleaner:

Image: Hyperbolic K=-1 Surface of Revolution.


SGI After Hours: Blender Tutorial

After Day Two of the first week of SGI Projects (July 16th), Dr. Nicholas Sharp, one of the SGI Tutorial Week lecturers, gave the Fellows a quick glimpse into the powerful open-source program, Blender. Before we jumped into learning how to use Blender, Dr. Sharp highlighted the five key reasons why one might use Blender:

  1. Rendering and Ray tracing
  2. Visual Effects
  3. Mesh modeling and artist content creation *our focus for the tutorial
  4. Physics simulation
  5. Uses node-based and Python-based scripting

Operation: Blender 101

Although one could easily spend hours if not days learning all the techniques and tools of Blender, Dr. Sharp went through how to set up Blender (preferences and how to change the perspective of a mesh) to the basic mesh manipulation and modeling.

Even though we learned many different commands, two of the most essential things to know (at least for me as a novice) were being able to move around the mesh and move the scene. To move around the mesh: use two fingers on your touchpad. To move the scene: hold shift and use two fingers on your touchpad. My favorite trick Dr. Sharp taught was using the spacebar to search for the tool you needed instead of looking around for it.

An example of a mesh manipulation we worked on:

By entering edit mode and selecting the faces using the X-ray view, we could select Spot’s ear and stretch it along the X-axis.

Conclusions on Blender

For an open-source program, I was extremely shocked by how powerful and versatile it is, and it makes sense why professionals in the industry could use Blender instead of other paid programs. With his step-by-step explanations, Dr. Sharp was a great teacher and extremely helpful in understanding a program that can be daunting. I’m excited to explore more on how to use Blender and see how I can integrate it into my future endeavors beyond SGI.

Thank you again for your time, Dr. Sharp!