
Geometry Processing from a Mathematics Education Standpoint- The Second Three Weeks

Now that SGI has come to a close, it’s time to talk about my experiences from the second half of the program. During the fourth week of the program, we worked heavily with machine learning and training models, specifically NeRFies. Since I have a lack of machine learning experience, it was difficult to understand all of the code. Model building and training are different ways of thinking that I am not used to. 

We were paired up to work on different parts of the code, and again, this was incredibly helpful. Even though my partner did not have extensive coding research, having someone to talk the code through with was incredibly helpful. Everyone on this project was understanding and helpful when we did not understand something. 

For the last two weeks, I have been on the same project. This project was introduced with very direct applications, which piqued my interest. Our focus was on computer graphics, specifically modeling surfaces with discrete equivalence classes. While there have been several papers published on this idea, we were specifically focusing on using as few different polygons as possible. We worked on understanding the code and process by which this could be accomplished. 

If you were to build a surface with polygons, it would be much easier and cheaper with only two unique polygons in comparison to hundreds of unique polygons. While I have previously not had any research or interest in computer graphics, it is now a field I am interested in learning more about. 

Overall, this experience was so out of my comfort zone. I worked with several people, all with various methods of research. This process not only helped me find out more about my preferred research style but also how to adapt to different styles of research. 

Finally, I not only learned more about coding and geometry processing, but I also learned what it is like to be confused and how to be okay with that. Research is all about asking questions that may not have answers and then trying. Our efforts may not always have publishable results, but that does not mean we should stop asking questions.

Thank you all for the wonderful, challenging experience of SGI.


Modeling K-set Surfaces with Various Patterns

Author: Brittney Fahnestock and Yixin Lok
Project Mentor: Rulin Chen, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Volunteer Teaching Assistant: Kyle Onghai


A K-set surface is a surface mesh that has each of its faces categorized into K discrete equivalence classes. Each discrete equivalence class corresponds to a fixed template polygon, and instances of these templates are used in place of the original mesh faces to form the final assembly structure. As we reduce the variety of building components, we improve the ease of fabrication and assembly – which is why we use K-set surfaces.

In this project, we use a hierarchical approach to cluster polygons and the ShapeOp library to optimize the given surfaces to produce K-set surfaces. Compared to previous works that aim to produce K-set surfaces in fixed topology (e.g., triangular surfaces or quadrilateral surfaces), our approach is able to create K-set surfaces with a variety of topologies.

Problem Formulation

Our input is a freeform surface and a chosen topology. Our output is a small set of discrete equivalence classes (i.e., template polygons) where the instances of template polygons can resemble the given surface as close as possible. Other design requirements include: 1) each polygon should be planar for easing fabrication and assembly process; 2) the intra-cluster variance should be converged to zero if possible.


We use a cluster-and-optimize approach to produce K-set surfaces. In general, our approach includes four stages: (i) base mesh initialization; (ii) polygon clustering; (iii) mesh optimization; and (iv) template replacement.

(i) Base mesh initialization

In order to map the 2D pattern to the surface, we will utilize an as-rigid-as-possible algorithm. As-rigid-as-possible algorithm is utilized because of its ability to maintain the pattern while mapping.

Figure 1. Base mesh initialization.

(ii) Polygon clustering

We use a hierarchical approach to cluster polygons, i.e., we first cluster edges and diagonals, then we use the cluster labels of edges and diagonals to cluster polygons. The user may input two Ks to directly control the edges and diagonals, but may not directly control the K for polygons. Note that the premise for using this clustering approach is all the polygons should be planar. For each polygon cluster, we compute a centroid polygon template as the target polygon for the polygons in the cluster at the following optimization stage.

Figure 2. Our proposed hierarchical approach to clustering the base mesh polygons.

(iii) Mesh optimization

At this stage, our goal is to optimize base mesh to minimize the intra-cluster variances, i.e., each polygon should be as similar as its corresponding polygon template computed at the previous clustering stage. Our optimization function is as following:

 \( E = E_{\text{polygon}} + E_{\text{surf}} + E_{\text{smth}} \)


\( E_{\text{polygon}} = E_{\text{edge}} + E_{\text{diagonal}} + E_{\text{planar}} \)

Epolygon: This term refers to the requirement that each polygon be optimized to closely match its corresponding centroid polygon template. Specifically, the length of each edge and diagonal should be as close as possible to the corresponding edge and diagonal in the centroid polygon, while maintaining the planar condition.

Esurf: This term refers to the requirement that the optimized surface should be as close as possible to the user-specified given surface.

Esmooth: This term refers to the requirement that the optimized surface should be as smooth as possible.

The geometry solver used is ShapeOp, as this library uses a state of the art physics solver that applies multiple constraints needed for shape optimization. In this project, ShapeOp helps us to convert the our proposed energy terms to the optimization functions represented by vertex positions.

(iv) Template replacement

After mesh optimization, we replace each polygon in the opimized surface with its corresponding template. In each polygon replacement process, we will find a best alignment orientation by calculating the minimal distance between vertices of polygons:

\( s(S_i, \tilde{S}_i) = \displaystyle\min_{k} \displaystyle\sum_{l=1}^{2L} \| \mathbf{v}_l – T_k(\tilde{\mathbf{v}}_l) \|^2 \)

After the polygon replacement, there will be errors since the conflicting optimization goals. Thanks to our proposed mesh optimization method, these errors are well minimized.

Figure 3. Errors after polygon replacement.


We provide a series of K-set surfaces witn various surfaces and topologies. For each result, we provide the surfaces before and after centroid polygon replacement. The greater the similarity between the results before and after replacement, the more it demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed method for producing K-set surfaces. We observe that there tends to be a trade off between a low K value and a low surface approximation error, as we replace each original mesh face with K templates. 

K-set surface before replacement
K-set surface after replacement
Number of polygonsNumber of unique polygons


[1] Fu, Chi-Wing, et al. “K-set tilable surfaces.” ACM transactions on graphics (TOG) 29.4 (2010): 1-6.

[2] Singh, Mayank, and Scott Schaefer. “Triangle surfaces with discrete equivalence classes.” ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papers. 2010. 1-7.

[3] Chen, Rulin, et al. “Masonry shell structures with discrete equivalence classes.” ACM Transactions on Graphics 42.4 (2023).

[4] Deuss, Mario, et al. “ShapeOp—a robust and extensible geometric modelling paradigm.” Modelling Behaviour: Design Modelling Symposium 2015. Springer International Publishing, 2015.


What Are Implicit Neural Representations?

Usually, we use neural networks to model complex and highly non-linear interactions between variables. A prototypical example is distinguishing pictures of cats and dogs.
The dataset consists of many images of cats and dogs, each labelled accordingly, and the goal of the network is to distinguish them in a way that can be generalised to unseen examples.

Two guiding principles when training such systems are underfitting and overfitting.

The first one occurs when our model is not “powerful enough” to capture the interaction we are trying to model so the network might struggle to learn even the examples it was exposed to.

The second one occurs when our model is “too powerful” and learns the dataset too well. This then impedes generalisation capabilities, as the model learns to fit exactly, and only, the training examples.

But what if this is a good thing?

Implicit Neural Representations

Now, suppose that you are given a mesh, which we can treat as a signed distance field (SDF), i.e. a function f : R3 \to R, assigning to each point in space its distance to the mesh (with negative values “inside” the mesh and positive “outside”).

This function is usually given in a discrete way, like a grid of values:

But now that we have a function, the SDF, we can use a neural network to model it to obtain a continuous representation. We can do so by constructing a dataset with input x = (x,y,z) a point in space and label the value of the SDF at that point.

In this setting, overfitting is a good thing! After all, we are not attempting to generalise SDFs to unseen meshes, we really only care about this one single input mesh (for single mesh tasks, of course).

But why do we want that?

We have now built a continuous representation of the mesh, and we can therefore exploit all the machinery of the continuous world: differentials, integration, and so on.

This continuous compression can also be used for other downstream tasks. For example, it can be fed to other neural networks doing different things, such as image generation, superresolution, video compression, and more.

There are many ways to produce these representations: choice of loss function, architecture, mesh representation…
In the next blog posts, we will discuss how we do implicit neural representations in our project.


Voronoi Tessellations

Last week, we looked into Voronoi tessellations and their potential for high dimensional sampling and integral approximations.

When we have a very complicated high-dimensional function, it can be very challenging to compute its integral in a given domain. A standard way to approximate it is through Monte Carlo integration

Monte Carlo integration

Monte Carlo integration is a technique consisting of querying the integrand function f at N random locations uniformly, taking the average, and then multiplying the region’s volume:

The law of large numbers ensures that, in the limit, this quantity approximates the actual integral better and better.

Okay, but the points are sampled i.i.d. uniformly, which might not be optimal to compute the integral’s value from a very small sample size. Maybe we can find a way to guide the sampling and leverage prior knowledge we might have about the sample space.
Okay, and maybe the points are not extracted i.i.d. What if we have no control over the function – maybe it’s some very big machine in a distant factory, or an event occurring once in a decade. If we can’t ensure that the points are i.i.d. we just can’t use Monte Carlo integration.

Therefore, we will investigate whether we can use Voronoi tessellations to overcome this limitation.

Voronoi Tessellation

A Voronoi tessellation is a partition of the space according to the following rules:

  • We start with some “pivot” points pi in the space (which could be the points at which we evaluate the integrand function)
  • Now, we create as many regions as there are initial pivot points defined as follows: a point x in the space belongs to the region of the point pi if the point pi is the closest pivotal point to x :

Voronoi tessellation is essentially one iteration of k-means clustering where the centroids are the pivotal points pi and the data to cluster are all the points x in the domain

Some immediate ideas here:

  • We can immediately try out “Voronoi integration”, where we multiply the value of the integrand at each starting point f(pi) by the volume of its corresponding region, summing them all up, and see how it behaves compared to Monte Carlo integration (especially in high dimensions)
  • We can exploit Bayesian optimisation to guide the sampling of the points pi as we don’t require them to be i.i.d. unlike Monte Carlo integration
  • We can exploit prior knowledge on the integration domain to weight the areas by a measure

In the next blog posts, we will see some of these ideas in action!

Math Tutorials

Uniform and Angle-weighted per-vertex normals in gpytoolbox


Early in the very first day of SGI, during professor Oded Stein’s great teaching sprint of the SGI introduction in Geometry Processing, we came across normal vectors. As per his slides: “The normal vector is the unit-length perpendicular vector to a triangle and positively oriented”.

Image 1: The formulas and visualisations of normal vectors in professor Oded Stein’s slides.

Immediately afterwards, we discussed that smooth surfaces have normals at every point, but as we deal with meshes, it is often useful to define per-vertex normals, apart from the well defined per-face normals. So, to approximate normals at vertices, we can average the per-face normals of the adjacent faces. This is the trivial approach. Then, the question that arises is: Going a step further, what could we do? We can introduce weights:

Image 2: Introducing weights to per-vertex normal vector calculation instead of just averaging the per-face normals. (image credits: professor Oded Stein’s slides)

How could we calculate them? The three most common approaches are:

1) The trivial approach: uniform weighting wf = 1 (averaging)

2)    area weighting wf = Af

3)    angle weighting wf = θf

Image 3: The three most common approaches to calculating weights to perform weighted average of the per-face normals for the calculation of per-vertex normals. (image credits: professor Oded Stein’s slides)

During the talk, we briefly discussed the practical side of choosing among the various types of weights and that area weighting is good enough for most applications and, thus, this is the one implemented in gpytoolbox, a Geometry Processing python package that professor Oded Stein has significantly contributed to its development. Then, he gave us an open challenge: whoever was up for the challenge could implement the angle-weighted per-vertex normal calculation and contribute it to gpytoolbox! I was intrigued and below I give an overview of my implementation of the per_vertex_normals(V, F, weights=’area’, correct_invalid_normals=True) function.

Implementation Overview

First, I implemented an auxiliary function called compute_angles(V,F). This function calculates the angles of each face using the dot product between vectors formed by the vertices of each triangle. The angles are then calculated using the arccosine of the dot product cosine result. The steps are:

  • For each triangle, the vertices A, B, and C are extracted.
  • Vectors representing the edges of each triangle are calculated:







  • The cosine of each angle is computed using the dot product:

cos(α) = (AB AC)/(|AB| |AC|)

cos(β) = (BC BA)/(|BC| |BA|)

cos(γ) = (CA CB)/(|CA| |CB|)

  • At this point, the numerical issues that can come up in geometry processing applications that we discussed on day 5 with Dr. Nicholas Sharp came to mind. What if the values of arccos(angle) exceed the values 1 or -1? To avoid potential numerical problems I clipped the results to be between -1 and 1:




Having compute_angles, now we can explore the per_vertex_normals function. It is modified to get an argument to select weights among the options: “uniform”, “angle”, “area” and applies the selected weight averaging of the per-face normals, to calculate the per-vertex normals:

def per_vertex_normals(V, F, weights=’area’, correct_invalid_normals=True):

  1. Make sure that the V and F data structures are of types float64 and int32 respectively, to make our function compatible with any given input
  2. Calculate the per face normals using gpytoolbox
  3. If the selected weight is “area”, then use the already implemented function.
  4. If the selected weight is “angle”:
    • Compute angles using the compute_angles auxiliary function
    • Weigh the face normals by the angles at each vertex (weighted normals)
  5. Calculate the norms of the weighted normals

(A small parenthesis: The initial implementation of the function implemented the 2 following steps:

  • Include another check for potential numerical issues, replacing very small values of norms that may have been rounded to 0, with a very small number, using NumPy (np.finfo(float).eps)
  • Normalize the vertex normals: N = weighted_normals / norms

Can you guess the problem of this approach?*)

6. Identify indices with problematic norms (NaN, inf, negative, zero)

7. Identify the rest of the indices (of valid norms)

8. Normalize valid normals

9. If correct_invalid_normals == True

  • Build KDTree using only valid vertices
  • For every problematic index:
    • Find the nearest valid normal in the KDTree
    • Assign the nearest valid normal to the current problematic normal
    • Else assign a default normal ([1, 0, 0]) (in the extreme case no valid norms are calculated)

  • Normalise the replaced problematic normals

10. Else ignore the problematic normals and just output the valid normalised weighted normals

*Spoiler alert: The problem of the approach was that -in extreme cases- it can happen that the result of the normalization procedure does not have unit norm.  The final steps that follow ensure that the per-vertex normals that this function outputs always have norm 1.


A crucial stage of developing any type of software is testing it. In this section, I provide the visualised results of the angle-weighted per-vertex normal calculations for base and edge cases, as well as everyone’s favourite shape: spot the cow:

Image 4: Let’s start with spot the cow, who we all love. On the left, we have the per-face normals calculated via gpytoolbox and on the right, we have the angle-weighted per-vertex normals, calculated as analysed in the previous section.

Image 5: The base case of a simple triangle.

Image 6: The base case of an inverted triangle (vertices ordered in a clockwise direction)

Image 7: The base case of a simple pyramid with a base.

Image 8: The base case of disconnected triangles.

Image 9: The edge case of having a very thin triangle.

Finally, for the cases of a degenerate triangle and repeated vertex coordinates nothing is visualised. The edge cases of having very large or small coordinates have also been tested successfully (coordinates of magnitude 1e8 and 1e-12, respectively).

Having a verified visual inspection is -of course- not enough. The calculations need to be compared to ground truth data in the context of unit tests. To this end, I calculated the ground truth data via the sibling of gpytoolbox: gptoolbox, which is the respective Geometry Processing package but in MATLAB! The shape used to assert the correctness of our per_vertex_normals function, was the famous armadillo. Tests passed for both angle and uniform weights, hurray!

Final Notes

Developing the weighted per-vertex normal function and contributing slightly to such a powerful python library as gpytoolbox, was a cool and humbling experience. Hope the pull request results into a merge! I want to thank professor Oded Stein for the encouragement to take up on the task, as well as reviewing it along with the soon-to-be professor Silvia Sellán!

Math Tutorials

Wormhole II

Images: (1) The Wormhole Distance Field (DF) shape. (2) The Wormhole built using DF functions, visualized using a DF/scalar field defined over a discretized space, i.e. a grid. (3) Deploying the marching cubes algorithm ( to attempt to reconstruct the surface from the DF shape. (4) Resulting surface using my reconstruction algorithm based on the principles of k-nearest neighbors (kNN), for k=10.  (5) Same, but from a different perspective highlighting unreconstructed areas, due to the DF shape having empty areas in the curved plane (see image 2 closely). If those areas didn’t exist in the DF shape, the reconstruction would have likely been exact with smaller k, and thus the representation would have been cleaner and more suitable for ML and GP tasks. (6) The reconstruction for k=5. (7) The reconstruction for k=5, different perspective.

Note: We could use a directional approach to knn for a cleaner reconstructed mesh, leveraging positional information. Alternatively, we could develop a connection correcting algorithm. Irrespectively to if we attempt the aforementioned optimizations or not, we can make the current implementation more optimized, as a lot less distances would need to be calculated after we organize the points of the DF shape based on their positions in the 3D space.


Well, SGI day 3 came… And it changed everything. In my mind at least. Silvia Sellán and Towaki Takikawa taught us -in the coolest and most intuitive ways- that there is so much more to shape representations. With Silvia, we discussed how one would expect to jump from one representation to another or even try to reconstruct the original shapes from representations that do not explicitely save connectivity information. With Towaki, we discussed Signed Distance Field (SDF) shapes among other stuff (shout out for building a library called haipera, that will definetely be useful to me) and the crazy community building crazy shapes using them. All the newfound knowledge got me thinking. Again.

Towaki was asked if there are easier/automated ways to calculate the necessary SDF functions because it would be insane to build -for e.g.- SDF cars by hand. His response? These people are actually insane! And I wanted to get a glimpse of that insanity, to figure out how to build the wormhole using Distance Field (DF) functions. Of course, my target final shape is a lot easier and it turned out that the implementation was far easier than calculating vertices and faces manually (see Wormhole I)! Then, Silvia’s words came to mind: each representation is suitable for different tasks, i.e., a task that is trivial for DF representations might be next to impossible for other representasions. So, creating a DF car is insane, but using functions to calculate the coordinates of a mesh grid car would be even more insane! Fun fact from Silvia’s slides: “The first real object ever 3D scanned and rendered was a WV Beetle by the legendary graphics researcher Ivan Sutherland’s lab (and the car belonged to his wife!)” and it was done manually:

Image (8): Calculating the coordinates of vertices and the faces to design the mesh of a Beetle manually! Geometric Processing gurus’ old school hobbies.


Back to the DF Wormhole. The high-level algorithm for the DF Wormhole is attached below (for the implementation, visit this GitHub repo:

Having my DF Wormhole, the problem of surface reconstruction arose. Thankfully, Silvia had already made sure we got, not only an intuitive understanding of multiple shape representations in 2D and 3D, but also how to jump from one to another and how to reconstruct surfaces from discretized representations. It intrigued me what would happen if I used the marching cubes algorithm on my DF shape. The result was somewhat disappointing (see image 3).

Yet, I couldn’t just let it go. I had to figure out something better. I followed the first idea that came to mind: k-Neirest Neighbors (kNN). My hypothesis was that although the DF shape is in 3D, it doesn’t have any volumetric data. The hypothetical final shape is comprised by surfaces so kNN makes sense; the goal is to find the nearest neighbors and create a mechanism to connect them. It worked (see images 4, 5, 6, 7)! A problem became immediately apparent: the surface was not smooth in certain areas, but rather blocky. Thus, I developed an iterative smoothing mechanism that repositions the nodes based on the average of the coordinates of their neighbors. At 5 iterations the result was satisfying (see image 8). Below I attach the algorithm, (for the implementation, visit this GitHub repo: Case closed.


Q: Why did I call my functions Distance Field functions (DFs) and not Signed Distance Field functions (SDFs)?

A: Because the SDF representation requires some points to have a negative value in relation to a shape’s surface (i.e., we have a negative sign for points inside the shape). In the case of the hollow shapes, such as the hollow cube and cylinder, we replace the negative signs of the inner parts of the outer shapes with positive signs, via the statement max(outer_shape, -inner_shape). Thus, our surfaces/hollow shapes only have 0 values on the surface and positive elsewhere. These type of distance fields are called unsigned (UDFs).

Q: What about the semi-cylinder?

A: The final shape of the semi-cylinder was defined to have negative values inside the radius of the semi-cylinder, 0 on the surface and positive elsewhere. But in order to remove the caps, rather than subtracting an inner cylinder, I gave them a positive value (e.g. infinity). This contradicts the definition of SDFs and UDFs, which measure distance in a continuous way. So, the semi-cylinder would be referred to as a discontinuous distance function (or continuous with specific discontinuities by design).

Future considerations

Using the smoothing mechanism and not using it has a trade off. The smooting mechanism seems to remove more faces -that we do want to have in our mesh-, than if we do not use it (see images 9, 10). The quality of the final surface certaintly depends on the initial DF shape (which indeed had empty spaces, see image 2 closely) and the hyperparameter k of kNN. Someone would need to find the right balance between the aforementioned parameters and the smoothing mechanism or even reconsider how to create the initial Wormhole DF shape or/and how to reposition the vertices, in order to smooth the surfaces more effectively. Finally, all the procedures of the algorithm can be optimized to make the code faster and more efficient. Even the kNN algorithm can be optimized: not every pair must be calculated to compare distances, because we have positional information and thus we can avoid most of the kNN calculations.

Images: (9) Mesh grid using only the mechanism that connects the k-nearest neighbors for k=5, (10) Mesh grid after the additional use of the smoothing mechanism.

Wormhole: The end


What it Takes to Get a SLAM Dunk, Part II

This is the 2nd part of  the two-part post series, prepared by Krishna and I. Krishna presented an overview of SLAM systems in a very intuitive and engaging way. In this part, I explore the future of SLAM systems in endoscopy and how our team plans to shape it.

Collaborators: Krishna Chebolu


What about the future of SLAM endoscopy systems? To get an insight on where research is heading, we must first discuss the challenges posed by the task to localise an agent and map such a difficult environment, as well as the weaknesses of current systems.

On one hand, the environment of the inside of the human body, coupled with data/device heterogeneity and image quality issues, significantly hinder the performance of endoscopy SLAM systems [1], [2] due to:

1) Texture scarceness, scale ambiguity

2) Illumination variation

3) Bodies (foreign or not), fluids and their movement (e.g., mucus, mucosal movement)

4)  Deformable tissues and occlusions

5) Scope-related issues (e.g., imagery quality variability)

6) Underlining scene dynamics (e.g., imminent corruption of frames with severe artefacts, large organ motion and surface drifts)

7) Data heterogeneity (e.g., population diversity, rare or inconspicuous disease cases, variability in disease appearances from one organ to the other, endoscope variability)

8) Difference in device manufacturers

9) Input of experts being required for their reliable development

10) The organ preparation process

11) Additional imaging quality issues (e.g. free/non-uniform hand motions and organ movements, different image modalities)

12) Real time performance (speed and accuracy trade-off)

Current research of endoscopic SLAM systems mainly focuses on the first 3 of the aforementioned challenges; the state-of-the-art pipelines focus on understanding depth despite the lack of texture, as well as handling lighting changes and foreign bodies like mucus that can be reflective or move and, thus, skew the mapping reconstruction.

Images 1, 2, 3: The images above showcase the three main problems that skew the tissue structure understanding and hinder the performance of mapping of SLAM systems in endoscopy: (1) foreign bodies that are reflective (2) lighting variations and (3) lack of texture. Image credits: [3], [3], [4].

On the other hand, we must pinpoint where the weaknesses of such systems lie. The three main modules of AI endoscopy systems, that operate on image data, are Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), Depth Estimation (DE) and Visual Odometry (VO); with the last two being submodules of the broader SLAM systems. SLAM is a computational method that enables a device to map its environment while simultaneously determining its own position within that map, which is often achieved via VO; a technique that estimates the camera’s position and trajectory by examining changes across a series of images. Depth estimation is the process of determining the distance between a camera and the objects in its view by analyzing visual information from one or more images, which is crucial for SLAM to accurately map the environment in three dimensions and understand its surroundings more effectively. Attempting to use general purpose SLAM systems on endoscopy data clearly shows that DE and map reconstruction are underperforming, while localisation/VO is sufficiently captured. This conclusion was reached based on initial experiments; however, further investigations are warranted.

Though the challenges and system weaknesses that current research aims to address are critical aspects of the models’ usability and performance, there is still a wide gap between the curated settings under which these models perform and real-world clinical settings. Clinical applications are still uncommon, due to the lack of holistic and representative datasets, in conjuction with limited participation of clinical experts. This leads to models that lack generalisability; widely used supervised techniques are data voracious and require many human annotations, which, apart from scarce, are often imperfect or overfitted to predominant samples in cohorts. Novel deep learning methods should be steered towards training on diverse endoscopic datasets, the introduction of explainability of results and the interpretability of models, which are required to accelerate this field. Finally, suitable evaluation metrics (i.e. generalisability assessments and robustness tests) should be defined to determine the strength of developed methods in regards to clinical translation.

For a future of advanced and applicable AI endoscopy systems, the directions are clear, as discussed in [1]:

1) Endoscopy-specific solutions must be developed, rather than just applying pipelines from the computer vision field

2) Robustness and generalisation evaluation metrics of the developed solutions must be defined to set the standard to assess and compare model performance

3) Practicability, compactness and real time effectiveness should also be quantified

4) More challenging problems should be explored (subtle lesions instead of apparent lesions)

5) The developed models should be able to adapt to datasets produced in different clinics, using different endoscopes, in the context of varying manifestations of diseases

6) Multi-modal and multi-scale integration of data should be incorporated in these systems

7) Clinical validation is necessary to steadily integrate these systems in the clinical process


But how do we envision the future of SLAM endoscopy systems?

Our team aims to address directly the issues of texture scarceness, illumination variation and handling of foreign bodies, while indirectly combating some of the rest of the challenges. Building upon state-of-the-art SLAM systems, which already handle localisation/VO sufficiently, we aim to further enhance their mapping process, by integrating a state-of-the-art endoscopy monocular depth estimation pipeline [3] and by developing a module to understand lighting variations in the context of endoscopic image analysis. The aforementioned module will have a corrective nature, automatically adjusting the lighting in the captured images to ensure that the visuals are clear and consistent.  Potentially, it could also enhance the image quality by adjusting brightness, contrast, and other image parameters in real-time, standardizing the images of different frames of the endoscopy video. As the module’s task is to improve the visibility and consistency of the image features, it would consequentially also support the depth estimation process, by providing clearer cues and contrast for accurate depth calculations by the endoscopy monocular depth estimation pipeline. Thus, the module would ensure a more consistent and refined input to the SLAM model, rather than raw endoscopy data, which suffer from inconsistencies and heterogeneities, never seen before by the model. With the aforementioned integrations we aim to develop a specialised SLAM endoscopy system and test it in the context of clinical colonoscopy [5]. Ideally, the plan is to first train and test our pipeline on a curated dataset to test its performance under controlled settings and then it would be of great interest to adjust each part of the pipeline to make it perform on real-world clinical data or across multiple datasets. This will provide us with the opportunity to see where a state-of-the-art SLAM endoscopy system stands in the context of real-world applicability and help quantify and address the issues explored in the previous section.

Image 4: State-of-the-art clinical mesh reconstruction using the endoscopy monocular depth estimation pipeline [5].

Image 5: The endoscopy monocular depth estimation pipeline also extracts state-of-the-art depth estimation in endoscopy videos.

Colonoscopy Data

The type of endoscopy procedure we choose to develop our pipeline for is colonoscopy; a medical procedure that uses a flexible fibre-optic instrument equipped with a camera and light (a colonoscope) to examine the interior of the colon and rectum. More specifically, we select to work with the Colonoscopy 3D Video Dataset (C3VD) [5]. The significance of this dataset study is the fact that it provides high quality ground truth data, obtained using a high-definition clinical colonoscope and high-fidelity colon models, creating a benchmark for computer vision pipelines. The study introduced a novel multimodal 2D-3D registration technique to register optical video sequences with ground truth rendered views of a known 3D model.

Video 1: C3VD dataset: Data from the colonoscopy camera (left) and depth estimation (right) extracted by a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). Video credits: [5]


SLAM systems are the state-of-the-art for localisation and mapping and endoscopy is the gold standard procedure for many hollow organs. Combining the two, we get a powerful medical tool that can not only improve patient care, but also be life-defining in some cases. Its use cases can be prognostic, diagnostic, monitoring and even therapeutic, ranging from, but not limited to: disease surveillance, inflammation monitoring, early cancer detection, tumour characterisation, resection procedures, minimally invasive treatment interventions and therapeutic response monitoring. With the development of SLAM endoscopy systems, the endoscopy surgeon has acquired a visual overview of various environments inside the human body, that would otherwise be impossible. Endoscopy being highly operator-dependent with grim clinical outcomes in some disease cases, makes reliable and accurate automated system guidance imperative. Thus, in recent years, there has been a significant increase in the publication of endoscopic imaging-based methods within the fields of computer-aided detection (CADe), computer-aided diagnosis (CADx) and computer-assisted surgery (CAS). In the future, most designed methods must be more generalisable to unseen noisy data, patient population variability and variable disease appearances, giving an answer to the multi-faceted challenges that the latest models fail to address, under actual clinical settings.

This post concludes part 11 of What it Takes to Get a SLAM Dunk.

Image 6: Michael Jordan (considered by me and many as the G.O.A.T.) performing his most famous dunk. Image credits: ScienceABC


[1] Ali, S. Where do we stand in AI for endoscopic image analysis? Deciphering gaps and future directions. npj Digit. Med. 5, 184 (2022).

[2] Ali, S., Zhou, F., Braden, B. et al. An objective comparison of detection and segmentation algorithms for artefacts in clinical endoscopy. Sci Rep 10, 2748 (2020).

[3] Paruchuri, A., Ehrenstein, S., Wang, S., Fried, I., Pizer, S. M., Niethammer, M., & Sengupta, R. Leveraging near-field lighting for monocular depth estimation from endoscopy videos. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), (2024).


[5] Bobrow, T. L., Golhar, M., Vijayan, R., Akshintala, V. S., Garcia, J. R., & Durr, N. J. Colonoscopy 3D video dataset with paired depth from 2D-3D registration. Medical Image Analysis, 102956 (2023).


What it Takes to Get a SLAM Dunk, Part I

In this two-part post series, Nicolas and I dive deeper into SLAM systems– our project’s focus for the past two weeks. In this part, I introduce and cover the evolution of SLAM systems. In the next part, Nicolas harnesses our interest by discussing the future. By the end of both parts, we should be able to give you an overview of What it Takes to Get a SLAM Dunk.

Collaborators: Nicolas Pigadas


Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) systems have become a standard in various technological fields, from autonomous robotics to augmented reality. However, in recent years, this technology has found a particularly unique application in medical imaging– in endoscopic videos. But what is SLAM?

Figure 1: A sample image using SLAM reconstruction from SG News Desk.

SLAM systems were conceptualized in robotics and computer vision for navigation purposes. Before SLAM, the fields employed more elementary methods,

Figure 2: Example of large-scale 3D semantic mapping by a vehicle.

You may be thinking, Krishna, you just described SLAM systems, it sounds like. You are right, but the localizing and mapping were separate processes. So a robot would go through the pains of the Heisenberg principle, i.e., the robot would either localize or map– the or is exclusionary. 

It was fairly obvious, but still daunting what the next step in research would be. Before we SLAM dunk our basketball, we must do a few lay-ups and free-throw shoots first.

Precursors to SLAM

Here are some inspirations that contributed to the development of SLAM

  • Probabilistic robotics: The introduction of probabilistic approaches, such as Bayesian filtering, allowed robots to estimate their position and map the environment with a degree of uncertainty, paving the way for more integrated systems.
  • Kalman filtering: a mathematical technique for estimating the state of a dynamic system. It allowed for continuous estimation of a robot’s position and could be invariant to noisy sensor data.
  • Cognitive Mapping in Animals: Research in cognitive science and animal navigation provided theoretical inspiration, particularly the idea that animals build mental maps of their environment while simultaneously keeping track of their location.
Figure 3: Spatial behavior and cognitive mapping of mice with aging. Image from Nature.

SLAM Dunk – A Culmination (some real Vince Carter stuff)

Finally, many researchers agreed that the separation of localizing and mapping was ineffective, and great efforts went into their integration. SLAM was developed. The goal was to enable systems to explore and understand an unknown environment autonomously, they needed to localize and map the environment simultaneously, with each task informing and improving the other.

With its unique ability to localize and map, researchers found SLAM’s use in any sensory device. Some of SLAM’s earlier use were sensor-based; so data would be inputted from range finders, sonar, and LIDAR; in the late 80s and early 90s. It is good to note that the algorithms were computationally intensive– and still are.

As technology evolved, a vision-based SLAM emerged. This shift was inspired by the human visual system, which navigates the world primarily through sight, enabling more natural and flexible mapping techniques.

Key Milestones

With the latest iterations of SLAM being exponentially better than the origin, it is important to recognize the journey. Here are notable SLAM systems:

  • EKF-SLAM (Extended Kalman Filter SLAM): One of the earliest and most influential SLAM algorithms, EKF-SLAM, laid the foundation for probabilistic approaches to SLAM, allowing for more accurate mapping and localization.
  • FastSLAM: Introduced in the early 2000s, FastSLAM utilized particle filters, making it more efficient and scalable. This development was crucial in enabling real-time SLAM applications.
  • Visual SLAM: The transition to vision-based SLAM in the mid-2000s opened new possibilities for the technology. Visual SLAM systems, such as PTAM (Parallel Tracking and Mapping), enabled more detailed and accurate mapping using standard cameras, a significant step toward broader applications.
Figure 4: Left LSD-SLAM, right ORB-SLAM. Image found in

From Robotics to Endoscopy (Medical Vision)

As SLAM technology matured, researchers explored its potential beyond traditional robotics. Medical imaging, particularly endoscopy, presented a fantastic opportunity for SLAM. Endoscopy is a medical procedure involving a flexible tube with a camera to visualize the body’s interior, often within complex and dynamic environments like the gastrointestinal tract. 

Figure 5: Endoscopy procedure overview. Image from John Hopkins Medicine.

It is fairly trivial why SLAM could be applied to endoscopic and endoscopy-like procedures to gain insights and make more medically informed decisions. Early work focused on using visual SLAM to navigate the gastrointestinal tract, where the narrow and deformable environment presented significant challenges.

One of the first successful implementations involved using SLAM to reconstruct 3D maps of the colon during colonoscopy procedures. This approach improved navigation accuracy and provided valuable information for diagnosing conditions like polyps or tumors.

Researchers also explored the integration of SLAM with other technologies, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and ultrasound, to enhance the quality of the maps and provide additional layers of information. These efforts laid the groundwork for more advanced SLAM systems capable of handling the complexities of real-time endoscopic navigation.

Figure 6: Visual of Optical Coherence Tomography from News-Medical.

Endoscopy SLAMs – What Our Group Looked At

As a part of our study, we looked at some presently used and state-of-the-art SLAM systems. Below are the three that various members of our team attempted:

  •  NICER-SLAM (RGB):  a dense RGB SLAM system that simultaneously optimizes for camera poses and a hierarchical neural implicit map representation, which also allows for high-quality novel view synthesis.
  • ORB3-SLAM (RBG): (there is also ORB1 and ORB2) ORB-SLAM3 is the first real-time SLAM library able to perform Visual, Visual-Inertial, and Multi-Map SLAM with monocular, stereo, and RGB-D cameras, using pin-hole and fisheye lens models. In all sensor configurations, ORB-SLAM3 is as robust as the best systems available in the literature and significantly more accurate.
  • DROID-SLAM (RBG): a new deep learning-based SLAM system. DROID-SLAM consists of recurrent iterative updates of camera pose and pixel-wise depth through a Dense Bundle Adjustment layer. 
Figure 7: Demo pictures from Gaussian Splatting SLAM.

Some other SLAM systems that our team would have loved to try our hand at are:

  • Gaussian Splatting SLAM:  first application of 3D Gaussian Splatting in monocular SLAM, the most fundamental but the hardest setup for Visual SLAM.
  • GlORIE-SLAM: Globally Optimized RGB-only Implicit Encoding Point Cloud SLAM. This system uses a deformable point cloud as the scene representation and achieves lower trajectory error and higher rendering accuracy compared to competitive approaches.

More SLAM methods can be found in this survey.

Figure 8: Visuals from GIORIE-SLAM.


This concludes part 1 of What it Takes to Get a SLAM Dunk. This post should have given you a gentle, but robust-enough introduction to SLAM systems. Vince Carter might even approve.

Figure 9: An homage to Vince Carter, arguably the greatest dunk-er ever. Image from Bleacher Report.

A Study on Surface Reconstruction from Signed Distance Data Part 2: Error Methods

Primary mentors:  Silvia Sellán, University of Toronto and Oded Stein, University of Southern California

Volunteer assistant:  Andrew Rodriguez

Fellows: Johan Azambou, Megan Grosse, Eleanor Wiesler, Anthony Hong, Artur RB Boyago, Sara Samy

After talking about what are some of the ways to reconstruct sdfs (see part one), we now study the question of how to evaluate their performance. Two classes of error function are considered, the first more inherent to our sdf context, and the second more general in all situations. We will first show results by our old friends, Chamfer distance, Hausdorff distance, and area method (see here for example), and then introduce the inherent one.

Hausdorff and Chamfer Distance

The Chamfer distance provides an average-case measure of the dissimilarity between two shapes. It calculates the sum of the distances from each point in one set to the nearest point in the other set. This measure is particularly useful when the goal is to capture the overall discrepancy between two shapes while being less sensitive to outliers. The Chamfer distance is defined as:
d_{\mathrm{Chamfer }}(X, Y):=\sum_{x \in X} d(x, Y)=\sum_{x \in X} \inf _{y \in Y} d(x, y)

The Bi-Chamfer distance is an extension that considers the average of the Chamfer distance computed in both directions (from \(X\) to \(Y\) and from \(Y\) to \(X\) ). This bidirectional measure provides a more balanced assessment of the dissimilarity between the shapes:
d_{\mathrm{B} \mathrm{-Chamfer }}(X, Y):=\frac{1}{2}\left(\sum_{x \in X} \inf {y \in Y} d(x, y)+\sum{y \in Y} \inf _{x \in X} d(x, y)\right)

The Hausdorff distance, on the other hand, measures the worst-case scenario between two shapes. It is defined as the maximum distance from a point in one set to the closest point in the other set. This distance is particularly stringent because it reflects the largest deviation between the shapes, making it highly sensitive to outliers.

The formula for Hausdorff distance is:
d_{\mathrm{H}}^Z(X, Y):=\max \left(\sup {x \in X} d_Z(x, Y), \sup {y \in Y} d_Z(y, X)\right)

We analyze the Hausdorff distance for the uneven capsule (the shape on the right; exact sdf taken from there) in particular.

This plot visually compares the original zero level set (ground truth) with the reconstructed polyline generated by the marching squares algorithm at a specific resolution. The black dots represent the vertices of the polyline, showing how closely the reconstruction matches the ground truth, demonstrating the efficacy of the algorithm at capturing the shape’s essential features.

This plot shows the relationship between the Hausdorff distance and the resolution of the reconstruction. As resolution increases, the Hausdorff distance decreases, illustrating that higher resolutions produce more accurate reconstructions. The log-log plot with a linear fit suggests a strong inverse relationship, with the slope indicating a nearly quadratic decrease in Hausdorff distance as resolution improves.

Area Method for Error

Another error method we explored in this project is an area-based method. To start this process, we can overlay the original polyline and the generated polyline. Then, we can determine the area between the two, counting all regions as positive area. Essentially, this means that if we take values inside a polyline to be negative and outside a polyline to be positive, the area counted as error consists of the set of all regions where the sign of the original polyline’s SDF is not equal to the sign of the generated polyline’s SDF. The resultant area corresponds to the error of the reconstruction.

Here is a simple example of this area method using two quadrilaterals. The area between them is represented by their union (all blue area) with their intersection (the darker blue triangle) removed:

Here is an example of the area method applied to a star, with the area quantity corresponding to error printed at the top:

Inherent Error Function

We define the error function between the reconstructed polyline and the zero level set (ZLS) of a given signed distance function (SDF) as:
\mathrm{Error}=\frac{1}{|S|} \sum_{s \in S} \mathrm{sdf}(s)

Here, \(S\) represents a set of sample points from the reconstructed polyline generated by the marching squares algorithm, and \(|\mathrm{S}|\) denotes the cardinality of this set. The sample points include not only the vertices but also the edges of the reconstructed polyline.

The key advantage of this error function lies in its simplicity and directness. Since the SDF inherently encodes the distance between any query point and the original polyline, there’s no need to compute distances separately as required in Hausdorff or Chamfer distance calculations. This makes the error function both efficient and well-suited to our specific context, providing a more streamlined and integrated approach to measuring the accuracy of the reconstruction.

Note that one variant one can consider is to square the \(\mathrm{sdf}(s)\) part to get rid of the signed nature, because the signs can cancel with each other for the reconstructed polyline is not always entirely inside the ground truth or entirely cotains the ground truth.

Below are one experiment we did for computing using this inherent error function, the unsquared one. We let the circle sdf be fixed and let the square sdf “escape” from the circle in a constant speed of \(0.2\). That is, we used the union of a fixed circle and a square with changing position as a series of shapes to do analysis. We then draw with color map used in this repo for the ground truths and the marching square results using the common color map.

The inherent error of each union After several trials, one simple observation drawn from this escapaing motion is that when two shapes are more confounding with each other, as in the initial stage, the error is higher; and when the image starts to have two separated connected components, the error rises again. The first one can perhaps be explained by what the paper pointed out as pseudo-sdfs, and the second one is perhaps due to occurence of multipal components.

Here is another experiment. We want to know how well this method can simulate the physical characteristics of an object’s rugged level. We used a series of regular polygons. Although the result is theoretically unintheresting as the errors are all nearly zero, this is visually conformting.


What’s a Neural Function?

Butlerian concerns aside, neural networks have proven to be extremely useful in doing everything we couldn’t think was to be done in this century; extremely advanced language processing, physically motivated predictions, and making strange, artful images using the power of bankrupt corporate morality.

Now, I’ve read and seen a lot of this “stuff” in the past, but I never really studied it, in-depth. Luckily, I got put with four exceedingly capable people in the area, and now manage to write a tabloid on the subject. I’ll write down the very basics of what I learned this week.

Taylor’s theorem

Suppose we had a function \( f : F \rightarrow L \) between the feature space \(F\) and a label space \(L\), both of these spaces are composed of a finite set of data points \( x_i \) and \( y_i \), we’ll put them into a dataset \(\mathfrak{D} = \{(x_i, y_i,) \}^N_{i=1} \). This function can represent just about anything as long as we’re capable of identifying the appropriate labels; images, videos and weather patterns.

The issue is, we don’t know anything about \(f\), but we do have a lot of data, so can we construct a arbitrarily good approximation \( f_\theta \) that functions a majority of the time? The whole field of machine learning asks not only if this is possibly, but if it is, how does one produce such a function, and with how much data?

Indeed, such a mapping may be extremely crooked, or of a high-dimensional character, but as long as we’re able to build universal function approximators of arbitrary precision, we should, in principle, be able to construct any such function.

Third-order Taylor approximation for the cubic polynomial \( x^3/7 + cos(x) \) around the point \( x = 3 \).

Naively, the first type of function approximator is a machine that produces a Taylor expansion; we call this machine \( f_\delta(\mathbf{x;w}) \) that approximates the real \( f(\mathbf{x})\). It contains the function input \( \mathbf{x}\), and a weight vector \(\mathbf{w}\) containing all of the coefficients of the Taylor expansion. We’ll call this parameter list the weights of the expansion.

Indeed, this same process can be taken up by any asymptotic series that converges onto the result. Now, what we’ve done is that we already had the function and wanted to find this approximation. Can we do the reverse procedure of acquiring a generic third degree polynomial: \[ f_\delta(x) = c_0 + c_1x + c_2 x^2 + c_3 x^3 \]

And then find the weights such that around the chosen point \( \mathbf{x} \) it fits with minimal loss? This question if of course, a extensively studied area of mathematically approximating/interpolating/extrapolating functions, and also the motivating factor for a NN, they’re effectively more complicated versions of this idea using a different method of fitting these weights, but it’s the same principle of applying a arbitrarily large number of computations to get to some range of values.

The first issue is that the label and feature spaces are enormously complicated, their dimensionality alone poses a formidable challenge in making a process to adjust said weights. Further, the structure in many of these spaces is not captured by the usual procedures of approximation. Taylor’s theorem, as our hanged man, is not capable of approximating very crooked functions, so that alone discards it, but


A neural network is the graphic representation of our neural function \(f_\theta\). We will define two main elements: a simple affine transform \(L = \mathbf{A}_i \mathbf{x} + \mathbf{b}_i \), and a activation function \( \sigma(L\), which can be any function, really, including a polynomial, but we often use a particular set of functions that are useful for NNs, such as a ReLu or a sigmoidal activation.

We can then produce a directed graph that shows the flow of computations we perform on our input \( \mathbf{x}\) across the many neurons of this graph. In this basic case, we have that the input \(x\) is feed onto two distinct neurons. The first transformation is \( \sigma_1(A_1x+b_1) \), whose result, \(x_1\), is feed onto the next neuron; the total result is a composition of the two transforms \(f \circ g = \sigma_2(A_2(f)+b_2 = \sigma_2(A_2(\sigma_1(A_1x+b_1))+b_2) \).

The total result of this basic net on the right is then \(\sigma_3(z) + \sigma_5(w) \), where \(w\) is the result of the transformations in the left, and \(z\) the ones on the right. We could do a labeling procedure and see then that the end result is of the form of a direct composition across the right layer of the affine transforms \((A, B, C)\) and activation functions \( (\sigma_1, \sigma_2, \sigma_3 \), and of the left hand side affine transforms \( (D, E, F) \) and functions \( (\sigma_4, \sigma_5, \sigma_6 ) \), which provides a 12-dimensional weight vector \( \mathbf{w} \):

\[ f_\theta(\mathbf{x;w}) = (\sigma_3\circ C \circ \sigma_2 \circ B \circ \sigma_1 \circ A) + (\sigma_6 \circ F \circ \sigma_5 \circ E \circ \sigma_4 \circ D) \]

Once again, the idea is that we can retrofit the coefficients of the affine transforms and activation functions to express different function approximations; different weight vectors yield different approximations. Finding the weights is called the training of the network and is done by an automatic process.

A feed forward NN is a deep, meaning it has more than intermediate layer, neural function \( f_\theta(\mathbf{x;w}) \) that, given some affine transformation \(f\) and activation function \(f\), is defined by:

\[ f_\theta(\mathbf{x;w}) = f_{n+1} \circ \sigma _n \circ f_n \circ \cdots \sigma_1\circ f_1 : \mathbb{R}^{n} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n+1} \]

Here we see a basic FF neural function \( f_\theta (\mathbf{x, w}) \) and its corresponding neural network representation; it has a depth of 4 and a width of 3. The input \( x\) is feed into a singular neuron, that doesn’t change it, and its then feed to three distinct neurons, each with its own weights for the affine transformation, and this all repeats until the last neuron. All of them have the same underlying activation function \( \phi\):

If we actually go out and compute this particular neural function using \( \phi \) as the sigmoid function, we get the approximation of a sine wave. Therefore, we have sucessfully approximated a low dimensional function using a NN How did we, however, get these specifics weights? By means of gradient descent. Maybe I’ll write something about the trainings of NNs as I learn more about them.

Equivariant NNs

Now that we approximated a simple sine wave, the obvious next step is the three dimensional reconstruction of a mesh into a signed distance function.

But since I don’t actually know the latter, I’ll go to the non-obvious next step of looking at the image of an apple. If we were to perform a transformation on said apple as either a translation, rotation, or scaling, ideally our neural network should be able to still identify the data as an apple. This means we somehow need to encode the symmetry information onto the weights of the network. This breeds the principle of an equivariant NN, studied in the field of geometrical deep learning.

I’ll try to study these later to make more sense about them as well.